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Glenview AYSO

Region 362

Glenview AYSO Region 362

Volunteering for Fall 2014 / Spring 2015

We are an all-volunteer organization.  It will take a lot of us to get 1300 kids playing soccer every weekend!  
Be a part of your child's playing experience and become a volunteer with these simple steps:  

Connect to and submit a new or returning volunteer application. 

NEW THIS YEAR:   If you want your kids together, volunteer together.  

We will form a U6 team with 1-2  coaches and/or a team parent that you've pulled together.  At all other levels, we’ll form a team around 1-2 coaches AND a referee (along with their kids).  Find a team parent and you’ll have a four-some.

The catch is:  you need to recruit a referee and EVERYONE has to take the appropriate training and be certified at the level in which they’re participating.   Much of it can be completed online.  (Ref and U10/12/14 training will have an additional on-field component, which will be offered multiple times prior to the fall season).  If you don’t get trained, we cannot honor your team request.

Connect to and provide the details.  You have until June 23rd to provide your preferences and sign up for training.  
After that we create projections for the Fall and form teams accordingly.


VOLUNTEER APPLICATION :   Submit your volunteer application at (this must be resubmitted every year for each volunteer, both you and the other volunteers you want on your team need to complete this.  Then indicate your preferences below for the child(ren) you'd like to partner with and with whom you wish to partner. 

PAIRING REQUESTS:   It's recommended that each member of the pairing complete the form  EVERYONE has to take the appropriate training and be certified at the level in which they’re participating. Parents filling the coach, ref and team parent positions must be certified (or registered for an upcoming training class) prior to June 23.   After June 23 we create projections of the number of properly trained volunteers for the Fall and form teams accordingly.